Milkshake Red 7kg
Milkshake Red 7kg
Nutrients to support growth and health for calves fed cows milk or milk-replacer.
Milkshake is an additive for milk or milk replacer to support the health and immune system of the calf. Milkshake aids the digestion of milk through improved coagulation and by supporting gut mucous secretions.
Milkshake supports:
Increased calf growth rates of 15% (Teagasc Moorepark Ireland Trials)
The reduction of nutritional diarrhoea
Digestive enzyme activity
Higher whole milk intakes
Feeding instructions for cows milk:
For dispersion in cow’s milk, add 15g Milkshake to 500ml of water, then add this to 4.5 litres of milk. These measures should prevent milk from curdling excessively and ensure an even dispersion.
If milk curdles it is still perfectly safe to feed to calves. In fact milk curdles in the calf’s stomach shortly after feeding and is an important part of the normal digestion process.
Milkreplacer – For use with milk replacer in bucket systems or cold add-lib systems add 15g of milkshake (1 scoop) to 5 litres of milk replacer.