Masterject Automatic Injecting system
Masterject Automatic Injecting system
MasterJect™ allows the farmer/stockman to work alone and without assistance, allowing for quick and efficient administration of the medication.Using the high-grade aluminium telescopic pole, the farmer can work from a safe distance to the animal, while at the same time maintaining precise control over the injection.Herd vaccination times can be halved using MasterJect™, handling problems are avoided,injections of multiple animals is faster than any other method and it is the only injection system to incorporate Sure-Ject™ technology…the ultimate tool for on-site,one-person stock medicating.
1. The MasterJect Injection Gun
2. Aluminium telescopic hand extension (extends MasterJect’s range up to 5 feet)
3. x4 disposable syringes
4. x12 – 13 gauge 1.5″ re-usable needles
5. Padded carry case